Gary Ushiro, PE


Gary is one of our four founders and has been with us since our inception in 2004. He was born and raised in Hawaii and attended the University of Hawaii. Gary and his wife Kristi moved to California in the mid-90’s.  Gary enjoys road and mountain biking, golfing, and hiking. Gary’s children are now in college but when they were younger, they were very busy with baseball and basketball. Gary used to coach their Little League teams and got to meet a lot of great families.  When he was a spectator at their baseball and basketball games, he enjoyed taking action photos or live streamed their games and shared them for others to enjoy.  Gary now has fun taking videos of downhill mountain bike rides.

Gary is a registered professional civil engineer and a qualified storm water pollution prevention plan developer / practitioner (QSD/P) with over two decades of experience in civil engineering design and construction assistance. He has worked on a wide variety of projects for municipalities and developers in water distribution, roadway, drainage, residential subdivision, commercial, and industrial projects in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is a certified master hydraulic modeler on WaterCAD®.